
What is Ransomware? Recent Ransomware attacks and how to remove it

Last Updated on by Sumi

You may have heard about ransomware somewhere in the articles or at the office. But have you ever wondered what actually is this? If you’re really interested to know about it in detail, then you have come to the right place. 

What is Ransomware? 

It is malicious software that blocks users to access their files, databases, documents by encrypting them and demanding a sum of money. For the ransom payment, a deadline is assigned and if the deadline passes, the ransom gets doubled and even sometimes files get permanently locked. 

Usually, its code isn’t sophisticated, and it doesn’t need to be at all because as other malware, it does not need to remain undetected in order to achieve its goal. 

How Ransomware works? 

Normally, it comes via email that entices to click a link or download an attachment that will deliver malicious software. Another popular method is the drive-by-download attacks on malicious websites. And some of these attacks come while using social media messaging. 

Whether it is paid or not, the attackers will always try to extract useful data from a machine or device. And we should be careful more about this. If all data on the machine was compromised, which will definitely include usernames and passwords for web resources, email addresses of all the contacts, payment information, and many more. 

Recent Ransomware attacks 

1. Travelex

2.CPI – California: A ransomware forced the defense contractor offline. The company had to part approximately $500,000 in the January attack.

How to remove it? 

The methods used by companies to protect from it isn’t developed at the same pace. But there are some methods that will help and limit the fallout of the Ransomware attack. 

The most used method is back up data, many organizations do this consistently and filter out malicious websites and emails. Also, some organizations also deploy an anti-ransomware technology to prevent the execution of ransomware, as a standalone tool in the organizational anti-malware platform. Nowadays, Cybereason offers RansomFree, a free tool to protect devices from ransomware attacks. 

Why is Ransomware so effective?

The authors of ransomware still fear into their victims, causing them to click on a link or pay a ransom. Ransomware displays intimidating messages similar to those below: 
1.“Your computer has been infected with a virus. Click here to resolve the issue.” 
2.“Your computer visits websites with illegal content. To unlock your computer, you must pay  $100 as fine.” 

What is the possible impact of Ransomware? 

Usually, Ransomware doesn’t target home users only; businesses can also become infected with ransomware that leads to negative effects such as 
1.temporary or permanent loss of sensitive or proprietary information, 
2.disruption to regular operations, 
3.financial losses incurred to restore systems and files, 
Paying the ransom does not guarantee that the encrypted files will be released because it only guarantees that the malicious actors receive the victim’s money. Also, decrypting files does not mean the malware infection itself has been removed. 

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