Advanced Database System | MIT Syllabus | TU

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Advanced Database System

Course Title: Advanced Database System                                                    Full Marks: 45+30

Course No: MIT502                                                                                      Pass Marks: 22.5+15

Nature of the Course: Theory + Lab                                                            Credit Hrs: 3

Semester: I

Course Description:

This course introduces the advanced database concepts. The topics covered include object and object relational database, query processing and query optimization, distributed databases, NOSQL database, big data storage, big data technologies, active, temporal, spatial, multimedia, and deductive databases and information retrieval and web search.

Course Objectives:

The main objective of this course is to make students familiar with the advanced concepts of database systems so that upon completion of the course students will be able to understand and use the advanced concepts to solve problems related to the database systems.

Course Contents:

Unit 1: Object and Object-Relational Databases (5 Hrs.)

Overview of Object-Oriented concepts; Object database extension to SQL; The ODMG object model and the Object Definition Language (ODL); Object Database Conceptual Design; The Object Query Language (OQL)

Unit 2: Query Processing and Optimization (11 Hrs.)

Translating SQL Queries into Relational Algebra and Other Operators; Algorithms for External Sorting; Algorithms for SELECT Operation; Implementing the JOIN Operation; Algorithms for PROJECT and Set Operations; Implementing Aggregate Operations and Different types of JOINs; Combining Operations Using Pipelining; Parallel Algorithms for Query Processing: Operator Level, Intraquery, Interquery

Query Trees and Heuristics for Query Optimization;Choice of Query Execution Plans; Use of Selectivities in Cost-Based Optimization: Cost components for Query Execution, Catalog Information Used in Cost Functions, Histograms;Cost Functions for SELECT Operation;Cost Functions for the JOIN Operation;Additional Issues Related to Query Optimization;Query Optimization in Data Warehouses

Unit 3: Distributed Database Concepts (7 Hrs.)

Distributed Database Concepts; Data Fragmentation, Replication, and Allocation Techniques for Distributed Database Design; Overview of Concurrency Control and Recovery in Distributed Databases; Overview of Transaction Management in Distributed Databases; Query Processing and

Optimization in Distributed Databases; Types of Distributed Database Systems; Distributed Database Architectures; Distributed Catalog Management

Unit 4: NOSQL Databases and Big Data Storage Systems (6 Hrs.)

Introduction to NOSQL Systems; Characteristics of NOSQL System, Categories of NOSQL Systems, The CAP Theorem; Document-Based NOSQL Systems and MongoDB; NOSQL Key- Value Stores; Column-Based or Wide Column NOSQL Systems; NOSQL Graph Databases and Neo4j

Unit 5: Big Data Technologies Based on MapReduce and Hadoop (5 Hrs.)

Introduction to Big Data; Introduction to MapReduce and Hadoop; Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS); MapReduce Runtime; Joins in MapReduce, Apache Hive, YARN

Unit 6: Enhanced Data Models: Introduction to Active, Temporal, Spatial, Multimedia, and Deductive Databases (5 Hrs.)

Active Database Concepts and Triggers; Temporal Database Concepts; Spatial Database Concepts; Multimedia Database Concepts; Introduction to Deductive Databases

Unit 7: Introduction to Information Retrieval and Web Search (6 Hrs.)

Information Retrieval Concepts; Retrieval Models, Types of Queries in Information Retrieval Systems; Text Preprocessing; Inverted Indexing; Evaluation Measures of Search Relevance; Web Search and Analysis; Trends in Information Retrievals

Laboratory Works

Laboratory works include implementing the concepts in above mentioned chapters using appropriate platforms.


  1. Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education, 7th Edition
    1. Korth, Silberchatz, Sudarshan , Database System Concepts, McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition
    1. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, McGraw-Hill
    1. Peter    Rob     and     Coronel,     Database    Systems,     Design, Implementation         and Management,Thomson Learning.
    1. C.J. Date & Longman, Introduction to Database Systems, Pearson Education

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