Samsung refrigerators price in Nepal


Last Updated on by Sumi

Samsung Refrigerators is one of the popular brands. They have a huge market in Nepal and they provide mobiles, ovens, washing machines, and so on. Among many things, Samsung refrigerators are popular in many households. Thus, to aid you in the process of buying a Samsung refrigerator as per your need we have compiled a list of Samsung refrigerators price in Nepal.


Model no.Capacity  No. of doorsPrice in Nepal
RR19M20A2RH192Ltrs1Rs 26,790
RR19J2103SE192Ltrs1Rs 27,815
RR19M2102SE/IM 192 Ltrs1Rs 29,490
RR20N2441S8192 Ltrs1Rs 32,390
RR20M2741U2/IM192 Ltrs1Rs 33,990
RR20M2741R2/IM192 Ltrs1Rs 33,990
RR19N2821UZ192 Ltrs1Rs 34,990
RR20M282ZS8192 Ltrs1Rs 34,990
RR20M282ZS8192 Ltrs1Rs 36,990
RR20R284ZCU192 Ltrs1Rs 38,990
RR20R284ZCR192 Ltrs1Rs 38,990
RR20M2Z4ZU7/IM192 Ltrs1Rs 37,790
RR22K287ZU2215 Ltrs1Rs 40,940
RR22K287ZR2215 Ltrs1Rs 40,940
RR22M284ZR3/IM215 Ltrs1Rs 40,940
R22M284203/IM215 Ltrs1Rs 40,940
RT28K3022SE253 Ltrs2Rs 49,340
RR28K3352SZ/IM253 Ltrs2Rs 54,590
RT28M3352R3/IM253 Ltrs2Rs 57,740
RT28M3352U3/IM253 Ltrs2Rs 57,740
RT26H3000SE255 Ltrs2Rs 43,000
RT30K3342S8275 Ltrs2Rs 56,690
RT30K3352UZ275 Ltrs2Rs 57,740
RT30M3353U7/IM275 Ltrs2Rs 59,840
RT30M3353R7/IM275 Ltrs2Rs 59,840
RT30K335ZUZ/IM275 Ltrs2Rs 57,740
RT34K3753S8318 Ltrs2Rs 60,890
RT37K3662SL318 Ltrs2Rs 62,990
RT42K5558S9415Ltrs2Rs 87,000
RT47K6358SL465 Ltrs2Rs 100,790
RT49K6338BS478 Ltrs2Rs 104,990
RT54K6558SL523 Ltrs2Rs 125,990
RT56K6378SL551 Ltrs2Rs 131,240
RH77H90507H/TL838 Ltrs3Rs 325,490
RH80H8130WZ/TL868 Ltrs3Rs 241,490

You can buy Samsung refrigerators in Nepal from the following places:

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