Literature Review Research

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Course Title: Literature Review Research
Full Marks: 50
Course No: C.Sc. 620
Pass Marks: 25
Nature of the Course: Seminar
Credit Hrs: 2

Course Description:

The objectives of the literature review research are to provide students with an opportunity to develop in-depth expertise and to provide an opportunity for some individual interaction, planning and executing a substantial research work in the field of computer science.


The format of term papers with regard to content is based upon the style used in the ACM publication Communications of the ACMand guidelines for presentation and typing are specified by the department. Students are strongly encouraged to develop a familiarity with the editorial style and format of Communicationsprior to manuscript preparation.

The literature review research paper consists of four parts:

1.Title Page – a standardized page for specifying the title and author of the paper. A signature page is required for the file paper.
2.Abstract – a brief, concise summary of the paper as described in the suggested outline. It must be printed on a page by itself.
3.The text / body of the paper.

Suggested Outline of the Body:

The paper is to be written based on the instructions of the course instructor (term paper) or the research supervisor (file paper). A suggestion outline is given below.


Give a brief summary of the intent of the paper and a description of the major concepts, approaches, algorithms, and/or significance of the paper. The abstract is limited to one paragraph of at most ten sentences.

Introduction, Motivation and Purpose:

This section introduces the topic and the purpose of the paper. It must address:

  • Why is the topic important?
  • What is the past and future for this topic? (Why did you choose this topic?)
  • What is the purpose of the research in this topic area? There must be a specific, well-reasoned goal for the paper which must be clearly and concisely stated in this section.
  • A brief introduction of the type of paper (survey, comparative study, analysis, algorithms developed, etc.) should be described.

Overview of Previous Work

Perform a literature search to collect everything written on the topic. Concentrate on the most current research, but do not ignore foundational or seminal papers in the area. Summarize the significant material that pertains primarily to your topic. Keep in mind that the references to research should be kept narrowly focused and directed to the primary goal of your paper.

Presentation and Discussion

This section is the most significant part of the paper. It presents the details of the approach, methodology, algorithm, analysis, comparative study, result, etc.

Summarize and evaluate the paper in this section. Specifically, draw substantive conclusions from the paper. Evaluate the results and comment on the positive points revealed in the study and identify and comment on any negative results. Identify possibilities for future studies or research which you may have discovered.


Papers must come from refereed journals or computer magazines or proceedings and must follow the format specified.

Format of references, citations, tables, figures:


A list of all publications (articles, texts, monographs, etc.) must be supplied as the last section of the paper. Each article or paper used must be listed alphabetically by last name of the author and the list must be numbered sequentially. The following are examples of the format for various types of entries in the list.
Journal: Stalling, W., RSA and its computational aspects, Infoworld, 12, 28 (Jul. 2012), 42-49.
Book: Bishop, M. and Boneh, D., Elements of Computer Security, Pearson Education., 2009.
Proceedings: Shamir, A., Controlling attacks on public key cryptography. Proceedings of OOPSLA 86 (Sept. 1986., Portland), 405-416.
Articles Which Have Established Citation Pages at ACM (Electronically published articles):
Smith, J., An algorithm for the traveling salesman problem, Journal of the ACM 54 (June 2011), 234-245. (


Whenever material from a publication is used in the paper it must be followed by a citation which is simply the number of the reference in the list of references enclosed in square brackets (for example, a reference to the third article listed in the list of references would contain the citation [3].) Multiple citation numbers can be incorporated within one citation when required (for example, references to the fourth, eighth, and eleventh entries in the reference list would appear as [4, 8, 11]).


Tables of data must appear after the first reference to them. They may appear on a separate page, but the page must follow the page on which the first reference is made. A reference may be incorporated into the text as part of a sentence, for example, “Table 1 contains…”. Tables must be numbered consecutively and have a title which appears centered above the table as shown in the example. Any table not original with the author must have a citation that references the source document. Do not refer to the physical location of the table, e.g., “The table below …”


Figures and illustrations must appear after the first reference to them. They may appear on a separate page, but the page must follow the page on which the first reference is made. Several figures may appear on the same separate page, but they must follow the first reference made to them in the text. A reference to a figure may be incorporated into the text as part of a sentence, for example, “Figure 1 shows…” Figures must be numbered consecutively and have a title which appears centered below the figure as shown in the example. Any figure or illustration not original with the author must have a citation that references the source document. Do not refer to the physical location of the figure, e.g., “The figure below …”

Text of the paper- presentation format:

  • The paper can be prepared using a word processor or LATEX. The students are highly recommended to use LATEX.
  • Margins – All margins must be one inch.
  • The text must be spaced by 1.5.
  • The text must be typed in 12 point font. The text must be typed in Times New Roman font.

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