M.Sc. CSIT Syllabus

Advanced Cryptography

Course Title: Advanced Cryptography
Full Marks: 45 + 30
Course No: C.Sc. 619
Pass Marks: 22.5 + 15
Nature of the Course: Theory + Lab
Credit Hrs: 3

Course Description:

The objective of the course is to understand the principles of cryptographic systems. The course consists of detailed knowledge about cryptographic functions, hash functions and message authentication codes, key management issues, and secret sharing schemes.

Course Content:

Unit 1: Shannon Theory and Classical Cryptography 5 hrs

Crypto Systems,Shanon Theory, Evaluation of Cryptosystems: computational security, provable security, unconditional security, Entropy, Classical Cryptosystems:shift cipher, affine cipher, Vigenere cipher, hill cipher, permutation cipher, Cryptanalysis of shift, affine, Vigenere, hill and permutation ciphers

Unit 2: Block and Stream Ciphers 10 hrs

Block Cipher Principles, Review of DES, Strength of DES: Linear‐Cryptanalysis, Differential‐Cryptanalysis, Review of AES and its strength, International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), Blowfish, Stream Ciphers: Synchronous Stream Ciphers: LFSR, NLFSR, Self‐Synchronous Stream Ciphers, RC4, RC5

Unit 3: Public Key Cryptography and Discrete Logarithms 12 hrs

Principles of Public‐Key Cryptosystems, RSA, Security of RSA: Brute Force Attack, Mathematical Attack,Timing Attack, Choosen Cipher Text Attack, Rabin Cryptosystem, The Discrete Logarithm System, The Discrete Logarithm Problem, ELGamal Cryptographic system, ELGamal Digital Signature Scheme, Some
Basic Facts of Elliptic Curves, The Geometry of Elliptic Curves, Line Through Two Distinct Points, A Tangent Line, Addition of Points on Elliptic Curves, Cryptosystems Defined over Elliptic Curves, The Discrete Logarithm Problem over Elliptic Curves, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems, Digital Signatures using ECC

Unit 4: Cryptographic Hash Function and Message Authentication 9 hrs

Hash functions and Data Integrity, Message Authentication, Digital Signatures, Security of Hash functions: Random Oracle Model, Iterated Hash Functions: The Merkle‐Damgard Construction, SHA family, SHA‐3, Message Authentication Codes: Nested MACS, CBC‐MAC and Authenticated Encryption, MAC based on Hash Functions: HMAC, MAC based on Block Ciphers: DAA

Unit 5: Key Management 5 hrs

Session and Interchange Keys, Key Distribution, Diffie‐Hellman Key Distribution, Blom Key DistributionScheme, Session Key Exchange: Simple Key Exchange Protocol, Needham‐Schroeder Protocol, Denning‐Sacco Protocol, Otway‐Rees Protocol, Kerberos System, Key Generation, Cryptographic Key Infrastructures, Storing and Revoking of Keys

Unit 6: Secret Sharing Scheme 4 hrs

The Fiat‐Shamir Protocol, Schnorr’s Identification Protocol, Threshold Schemes, Threshold Schemes withLiars, Access Structures and General Secret Sharing Schemes, Visual Secret Sharing Schemes

  1. Dauglas R. Stinson, Cryptography Chapman and Theory and Practice, Chapman and Hall/ CRC
  2. William Stalling, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 5th Edition, Pearson
  3. Matt Bishop, Computer Security Art and science, AddisonWesley
About Author

Prince Pudasaini