Advanced Operating Systems

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Course Title: Advanced Operating Systems
Full Marks:
45 + 30
Course No: C.Sc. 538
Pass Marks: 22.5 + 15
Nature of the Course: Theory + Lab
Credit Hrs: 3

Course Description:

Operating systems concepts overview ‐ process management, memory management and storage management, protection and security, distributed system, real‐time system, and multimedia system.

Course Objectives:

  • Introduce the underlying principles of an operating system, virtual memory and resource management concepts.
  • Exposure current state‐of‐art research in operating system
  • Exposure of distributed operating system, real‐time operating system and multimedia systems.

Course Contents:

Unit 1: Process Management and Synchronization(12 Hrs)

1.1. Process management: Process Model, Modeling Multi programming, Inter‐process communications: lock variables, sleep and wake up, semaphores and mutexes.
1.2. Process scheduling: Round robin, Weighted Round Robin, Round robin with variable quanta (Paper Based Study)
1.3. Deadlocks: Deadlock detection, avoidance and prevention, recovery from deadlocks(Paper Based study).

Unit 2: Memory Management (13 hrs)

2.1. Paging: Page tables, speeding up page tables, Page tables for large memories, demand Paging, Page replacement algorithms: Brief overview of LRU and LFU, Details of clock, WSclock, LRFU, LIRS(Paper Based Study), Design Issues for paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with paging.
2.2. Storage Management: Free‐space management, File system layout, Implementing files and directories, log structured file system, journaling file system, virtual file system, Disk scheduling,flash file systems. high performance flash disks, Improving the performance of log structured file systems with adoptive block rearrangement, Buffer Cache Management scheme exploiting both temporal and spatial locality(Paper Based Study)

Unit 3: Protection and Security (8 Hrs)

3.1. System Protection: protection principles and domain, access matrix and its implementation, access controls and rights, capability‐based system, language‐based protection.
3.2. System Security: Program threats, system and network threats, Cryptography as a Security Tool, User Authentication, Fire walling, Computer security classification, Guarded Models for intrusion detection (Paper Based Study)

Unit 4: Distributed Special Purpose Systems (12 Hrs)

4.1. Distributed Operating Systems:
Types of Network based Operating Systems, Network structure and topology, Communication structure and protocols, Robustness, Design Issues, Distributed File Systems: Naming and Transparency, Remote File Access, Stateful versus Stateless Service, File Replication.
4.2. Real‐Time Systems:
Real time system characteristics and kernel features, Implementing real‐time operating system, real‐time CPU scheduling.
4.3. Multimedia Systems:
Multimedia system overview, multimedia kernels, compression, CPU scheduling, disk scheduling.

Outcomes and Assessment:

This course can be learnt in effective way only if we give focus in practical aspects of algorithms and techniques discussed in class. Therefore student should be able to simulate and analyze the algorithmsby using any high level language. For this purpose student should simulate at least

  • Two page replacement algorithms
  • Two disk scheduling algorithms
  • Deadlock recovery algorithm
  • Two File System techniques

Recommended Book:

  1. Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne. Operating System Concepts, 8th Edition. John‐Wiley.
  2. Andrew S Tanenbaum, Moderm Operating Systems, 3rd Edition 20007, PH1

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