Tethering Vs Hotspot !

Tethering Vs Hotspot ! Which one is better?

Last Updated on by ICT Byte

If we look at the terms of internet connectivity then we can found the major misunderstood term as Tethering and Hotspot. Gadgets manufacturers and consumers both routinely describe several related topics which only gift the frustration to those people who are searching for the best way to share the internet connection.

Is USB Tethering is Same as Hotspot?

Without diving too deep into technicalities, ICT BYTE has a short answer: no, it is not. If we strictly speak, then we can get that these both terms are not only different they actually have overlapping concepts. But some of the gadgets users or manufacturers use them as a direct comperision but it is not what exist on their mind.

In order to get full answer of this question, we need to gain a bit of technical background on the subjects. Let’s get Started

What is Tethering?

The technical term “tethering” refers to the process of connecting devices for sharing the Internet connection. This process can be done with the device which have the capacity of Internet Connectivity. Most common devices which are capable to use this features are laptops, phones, and dedicated devices like a portable USB modem. It can be easily done via WiFi, with a USB cable or from the bluetooth device connection. There may be some complexity of the setup according to the tethered gadgets.

What is Hotspot?

We need to go through the broad terms, The hotspot is a location with Internet access. For example, Retailer shop setting up a WiFi router for their visitors or a node of a municipal wireless network. There are certain conditions like passwords given away in which hotspot can be free or accessible.


Which one is Secured?

Hotspot have gained some of the negative feedback in the recent some year due to the supposed security risk. Now we can guess depending upon the mentioned information above these concerns have to do mainly with public WiFi hotspots, whose threat is very much real. In the comperision to them, hotspots are more harmful than USB Tethering.

Which waste more battery life?

The most concerning aspect is that USB tethering decrease more battery life than hotspot because connection sharing is a resource-heavy process and will drain the battery rather quickly. If we do the USB tethering then it may it can maximize the drain of the battery life. Also at the time of USB tethering the battery get more effect to work as a multiple one is charging and another is connection sharing so, Mobile Hotspot is more better than Tethering while it comes on the stuff of Battery Life.

Which one is faster?

USB Tethering is done via a wire i.e USB and hotspot is distribution of wireless network. USB Tethering have the direct relationship with the connected device because wire transmit the connection to the connected device where Hotspot is a wireless system so the connected device have to catch the connection from the surrounding. USB Tethering needs less effort to grab the network but Mobile Hotspot need more effort to grab a network so USB Tethering is faster than Mobile hotspot.

Which is easy to distribute network?

Mobile Hotspot doesn’t need anything to distribute network or release connection but USB Tethering nee USB cable along with mobile phone. So it is more easy to use Mobile hotspot than USB Tethering.

In a Nutshell, Both connection are better you only need to compare these conditions with your own devices.

We hope these guidelines help you to know Tethering Vs Hotspot ! Which one is better? If any queries arise regarding this topic then ICT BYTE recommend you to comment below. Here, we are always active to help you so don’t hesitate to share your doubt.

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