What are the types of the interview? What is interview media?

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Types of Interviews

1. Structured Versus Unstructured Interviews

  • In structured interview, the interviewer ( or a computer) asks a series of prepared questions in a set order. Structured interviews help employers identify candidates who don’t meet basic job criteria, and they allow the interview team to compare answers from multiple candidates.
  • In unstructured interview, the interviewer adapts his or her line o questioning based on the answers you give and any questions you ask. Although it may feel like conversation, remember this is an interview. 

2. Panel and Group Interviews:

  • In a panel interview, you will meet with several interviewers at once.
  • In group interview, one or more interviewers meet with several candidates.

3. Behavioral, Situational, Working , and Stress Interviews:

  • In behavioral interview,
    • you are asked to relate specific incidents and experiences from the past. Behavioral questions require candidates to use their own experiences to craft answers.
    • By discussing your experiences and accomplishments in the context of the company’s values, you show that you understand what is important to the company and that you can be counted on to uphold those values.
  • Situational Interview
    • It is similar to behavioral interview except that the questions focus on how you handle various hypothetical situations on the job. The more you know about job, the better prepared you will be.
  • Working Interview
    •  You perform a job-related activity during the interview.
    • You will asked to lead a brainstorming session ( with other candidates, maybe) , solve a business problem, engage in role playing, or even make a presentation.
  • Stress Interview:
    • During the interview, you will get hostiles reactions, you will have long period of silence. You will lose the courage in this type of interview.
    • The theory behind this approach is that you will reveal how well you will handle stressful situations. Collect your thoughts for a few seconds before you respond.

Interview Media

  • Telephone
  • e-mail
  • Instant messaging
  • Virtual online system
  • Videoconferencing 

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