Last Updated on by ICT Byte
Commands for Files and Directory Handling in Linux
- Cd
- To change directory
- E.g cd / [we are moving to root directory]
- Cd..
- Takes one level up of directory
- E.g cd..
- Ls
- To list the items of directory
- Ls –la
- List content of directory including hidden files
- E.g ls-la
- Cp
- Copies the content from file a to file b
- If file b is not there, file b is created
- It it exists, b is overwritten
- E.g cp ict.txt byte.txt [we are copying content from ict.txt to byte.txt]
- Cp –r
- Copies content of directory
- If second directory is not found, second directory is created
- If it exists, content is overwritten
- Mv
- To rename files and directories
- To move files and directories
- Cat
- Prints content of file
- E.g cat filename.txt
- Head
- Prints first ten line of file
- E.g head ict.txt
- Rm
- To delete file
- Rm –f
- Forecefully delets file
- Mkdir
- Create a new directory if no exists
- Mkdir –p
- Creates nested directory
- E.g mkdir /p example/ict/byte
- Rmdir
- Remove/delete directory
- Pwd
- Displays currently working directory
- File
- To determine type of file
- E.g file filename
- More
- View text file in command prompt one screen at a time if file is large
- Less
- Read content of text file one page per time