Check mobile number in NTC,NCELL and smartcell

How to Check Your Mobile Number : NTC, Smart cell, and Ncell ? 2023

Last Updated on by Swastika Oli

Do you Know the method to Check your Mobile Number?

Check Your Mobile Number: NTC, Ncell, and Smart Cell

If you are wondering how to find out your mobile number, you’ve come to the right place. It’s essential to know your own mobile number, regardless of whether you are using NTC, Ncell, or Smart Cell. In this article, we will guide you on how to check your mobile number easily.

Why Knowing Your Mobile Number Matters

In today’s technology-driven world, we often rely on our phones to store important information. Memorizing phone numbers is no longer common practice, especially when we switch to a new SIM card. In such cases, when someone asks for our contact number, we need a quick and convenient way to retrieve it. Thankfully, telecom companies have provided methods for users to easily access their own mobile numbers and share them with others.

Methods to Check Your NTC and Ncell Mobile Number

To check your own mobile number, you can follow a few simple steps on your phone’s dial pad. Let’s explore the different methods based on the type of SIM card you have.

1. How to Check Own Ncell Number

To know your Ncell number, dial *903# or *103# on your mobile phone. Your Ncell number will be displayed on the screen.

Check Your Mobile Number

2. How to Check Own NTC Number

For GSM numbers, dial *9# on your phone to perform an NTC number check. However, if you are a CDMA user, there is no specific method to retrieve your mobile number in NTC.

Check Your Mobile Number

3. How to Check Smart Cell Number

To check your own Smart Cell number, dial *134# on your mobile phone. Your Smart Cell number will be displayed on the screen.


In conclusion, if you are wondering how to check your mobile number in Smart Cell, dial *134# on your mobile keypad and press the call button. Your mobile number will be displayed on the phone screen. For NTC (Nepal Telecom), type *9# on your phone keypad to know your number (applicable only to GSM numbers, not CDMA users). To check your mobile number in Ncell, dial *903# or *103# on your mobile keypad.

Additionally, make sure to stay updated with the latest information on NTC data packs and rates, as well as Smart Cell’s special packs and offers. Keep checking ICT Bytes for more updates.


1. How do I find my own NTC mobile number?

To find your NTC mobile number, dial *9# on your phone keypad (applicable only to GSM numbers).

2. How can I check my Ncell number?

To check your Ncell number, dial *903# or *103# on your mobile keypad.

3. How do I check my Smart Cell mobile number?

To check your Smart Cell mobile number, dial *134# on your mobile phone.

Nepal Telecom: Useful NTC Codes You Must Know

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