B.Sc. CSIT 7th Semester

Understanding DBA and ROLES and Responsibilities of DBA

What is DBA?

DBA stands for database administration. Database administration refers to the whole set of activities performed by a database administrator to ensure that a database is always available as needed.

Roles and Responsibilities of Database Administrator

  • Installation and configuration: The DBA must install and customize the database  software and any other programs/tools that will run alongside and access the database. 
  • Allocating system storage and Planning future storage requirements for the database system.
  • Creating primary database storage structures (tablespaces) after the application developers have designed an application.
  • Creating primary objects(Tables, Views, Indexes) after the application developers have designed an application.
  • Modify the database structure, as necessary, from information given by application developers.
  • Enrolling users and maintaining systems security.
  • Controlling and monitoring user access to the database.
  • Monitoring and optimizing the performance of the database
  • Planning for backup and recovery of the database.
  • Backing up and restoring the database.
  • Evaluate the database server hardware.

Skills Needed for Database Administrator

Following are the major skills required for a database administrator.

  • Communication skills 
  • Problem solving
  • Familiarity with query languages , DBMS
  • Basic understanding of windows and Linux
  • Knowledge in database design ,theory 
  • Knowledge in tools used for database 

Tools required for Database Administration


Key Terms required in Database Administration


Data is collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations or just description of things.


Information is group of data that collectively carries a logical meaning.


A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. It is used to store and manage large amounts of data.

Database Management System (DBMS)

A DBMS serves as an interface between the database and its end users or programs, allowing users to retrieve, update, and manage how the information is organized and optimized. It helps in representing data, retrieving and manipulating it.

DBMS Languages



  • It is used to define database structure or pattern.
  • It is used to create tables, indexes, constraints, etc. In the database.
  •     E.g.. Create , truncate , drop, rename ,comment etc.


  • It is used for accessing and manipulating data in a database. 
  • It handles user requests.
    E.g. Select ,insert,update,delete,merge,etc.


  • It is used to retrieve the stored or saved data.
    Eg. Grant ,revoke .


  • TCL is used to run the changes made by the DML statement.
  •  TCL can be grouped into a logical transaction.

E.g. Commit , rollback .

Also read about Database Architecture

About Author

Karina Shakya