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B.Sc. CSIT 6th Semester Old Questions
Subject : Software Engineering
Year : 2068
Attempt any ten questions. (10×6=60)
1. Differentiate between software process and software process model.
2. What are the key challenges facing in Software Engineering? Explain.
3. Explain the system design process.
4. Why program are developed using evolutionary development are likely to
be difficult to maintain? Explain.
5. What is the critical distinction between a milestone and deliverable?
6. Why elicitation and analysis is a difficult process in requirement
engineering process? Explain.
7. Explain the rapid prototyping techniques with example.
8. What do you mean by formal specification? Explain.
9. Explain the control models and its types.
10. Explain the use case diagram with example.
11. Explain the verification and validation planning.
12. Write short notes on (any two):
(a) Data flow models
(b) COCOMO model
(c) Security assessment
2068 II
Attempt any ten questions. (10×6=60)
1. Explain the software engineering and its role in Nation Development.
2. Explain the waterfall model with its merits and demerits.
3. What are the important activities that are carried sot during the feasibility
study phase? Explain.
4. What are the different categories of software development projects
according to the COCOMO estimation model? Explain.
5. What are the five desirable characteristics of a good software requirements
specification (SRS) document?
6. What are the main advantages of using an object-oriented design approach
over a function-oriented approach? Explain.
7. Differentiate between black box testing and white box testing.
8. What do you mean by functional and non-functional requirements?
9. Explain the rapid prototyping techniques.
10. Differentiate between interface specification and behavioral specification.
11. Explain class diagram with example.
12. Write short notes on( any two):
a. Software inspection
b. Software validation
c. Reverse Engineering
Attempt any ten questions. (10×6=60)
1.) Explain the software and it’s characteristics.
2.) Explain the prototyping model of software development.
3.) Define the COCOMO model with example.
4.) Why an evolutionary prototyping is used in software development ? Explain.
5.) What do you mean by behaviourial specification?
6.) Why modular decomposition is used in architectural design ? Explain.
7.) Explain the sequence diagram with example.
8.) Explain the clean room software development with example.
9.) What are the types of software testing? Explain.
10.) Explain the reliability validation with example.
11.) What is USE CASE diagram? Explain with example.
12.) Write short notes on (any two) :-
a.) User Interface Prototyping
b.) Software Inspection
c.) Source Code Translation
Attempt any ten questions. (10×6=60)
1.) What is software ? Discuss generic products and bespoke products with
example. Discuss functional and non-functional system properties with
2.) What is software process model ? Discuss reuse-oriented development in
3.) Discuss the importance of project management. What are the different
sections of project plan?
4.) Discuss requirements elicitation and analysis activity of requirements
engineering process.
5.) Discuss evolutionary prototyping and throw-away prototyping in the
software process.
6.) Why do we need formal specification ? Discuss behaviorial specification in
7.) What are the advantages of designing and documenting software
architecture? What is repository model?
8.) Discuss the use of control models. Differentiate between centralized control
and event based control.
9.) Discuss sequence diagram with suitable example.
10.) What is verification and validation ? briefly explain verification and
validation planning.
11.) What is integration testing? Differentiate between top-down and bottomup integration testing.
12.) Write short notes on :
a.) Functional Point
b.) Source Code Translation
2071 (II)
Time : 3 hrs.
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Attempt 10 Questions Only (10*6=60.)
1.) What are the different phases in software development life cycle? Explain.
2.) Explain the software process model with example.
3.) Explain the software specification , software validation and software evolution with example.
4.) What do you mean by project management? Explain the project planning and project scheduling
with example.
5.) What do you mean by software requirement? Explain the requirements engineering process
with example.
6.) Define formal specification. Explain the formal specification method used in software process.
7.) Explain the software maintainance and its types.
8.) Explain the clean room software development with example.
9.) Explain the validation planning steps.
10.) Explain the security assessment.
11.) Explain the software quality standard with example.
12.) Write short notes on (any two) :
a.) CASE tools
b.) Reverse Engineering
c.) Reliability validation