SEO Tips for Single page websites

SEO Tips and Tricks For Single Page Sites

Last Updated on by Sumi

Single page websites are really popular these days. They look cool when filled with great fonts, designs, animations, transitions, and graphics. But its really difficult to do an SEO on a single page sites and rank it higher in the search engines. As it is the one-page site, you need to rank that page for multiple keywords

 Google Matt Cutts had to say this;

It’s going to depend on what your particular area is, what the topic is, and what kind of layout you come out with. But if it works for you and for users to have that all on one page, for the most part, it should work for Google as well.

So, SEO optimization seems difficult but it’s not impossible.

I took a look at different sites, Youtubes on what others had to say about SEO optimization techniques for single page sites. Much common advice was received and here I am sharing with you all on How can we perform SEO optimization techniques on a single page site with the higher rankings.

SEO Tips and Tricks For Single Page Sites

Design content sections

Design each section of the contents as if it were separate webpage so that it looks the keywords first and map it in a keyword planner you desire to rank for and include in the headline, copy, image, and alt tags that makes an SEO technique.

Separates content sections in multiple DIVs

Separation of the contents section in the multiple DIVs makes the content organized. Although CSS id names doesnt considered to be SEO keyword signals it will make clear and organized content for you to understand.


<div id=”cats”> title content…</div>

<div id=”rats”>content</div>

<div id=”dogs”>…contents…</div>

<div id=”animal-houses”> write your content here</div>

Use Anchor links

Anchor links are the ones that take you to a specific place within a webpage. Generally, we use it when we have a list of navigation and had to jump directly to the content of that section.

Google looks at anchor links in search rankings. They sometimes list anchor links as site links.

Let me give you an example of anchor links. For example, the link “”  will jump you to the Art + Design section of that content.

How to create an anchor link for each section?

  • First of all name the DIV id like;

<div id=”art-culture”>

  • Link to it.

<a href=”art-culture”>Art + Culture</a>

  • From another page the link would be;

<a href=””>Art + Culture</a>

Give Each content Section an H1 tag.

Single-page sites contain multiple H1 tags. The multiple H1 tags mean you will have an opportunity to optimize keywords. It’s like, they are the actual indicators of separation of content. Multiple H1s also make our page more legible and search-friendly.

Link building is crucial

Link building is important for every kind of sites not only one-page sites. But as contents are very limited and on-page techniques may be limited in these single page sites we have to rely more on backlinks to drive more traffic and rankings.

So, build relationships that can eventually earn you links.

Keywords are even more important

Keyword research is the initial task you need to do when it comes to SEO optimization. Your keyword research has to be extremely relevant to get you good results and where to put them in your limited space.

This could be definitely a tough choice I understand but trust me extra time on your research will be worth it when you get the results.

Track everything with Google Analytics

These means keep tracking the queries that your visitors had searched for related to your content. It’s very important that you keep track of everything from Google analytics and include those keywords and queries on your site. Update it frequently based on the highest impressions and the words that have maximum clicks.

Fresh content for the win

Fresh and dynamic contents are always a good idea to rank higher in search engines. Google keeps track of the updates and how consistent you are with your content on the website. So, rewrite your sections and align them with current updates and words.changing the contents and updating it with refresh from time to time will definitely help.

If you want results, you need to put in the effort

Above mentioned are some of the tips and tricks that you need to keep in mind while doing SEO optimization in your single page sites. But it all depends on you and your effort that you do to make your websites good and rank better than others in search engines.

Keep following ICTByte for similar tips and tricks.

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