gaming pc

How to choose the best gaming PC in Nepal?

Last Updated on by ICT Byte

The trends of gaming pc has just been introduced in Nepal and in the recent days Nepal is securing as a top ranking country in World. In Nepal the youth are more inclined towards video gaming and online games like CS-GO, PUBG, Free Fire, Apex Legend and so on. In Nepal the gaming PC cost too much than ordinary laptop.

Due to this reason we have to know some important and compulsory things before buying a new gaming PC. Without the consideration of the basic thing if we buy a gaming PC then for sure we can’t get too much good PC comperision to our expenditure. Most of the people buy a gaming PC with the very tight budget So, In this article ICT BYTE is going to mentions some of things you must know before buying a new gaming PC in Nepal.


Gaming PC is considered as the expensive Personal Computers (PC). The one thing you must notice is that pre-built PC’s are more expensive than assembled PC. Building the PC on own is most trouble task so most of the people handover this task to the the professional so that the task will more effective and efficient but the pros of assembling a PC reduce the price by few thousand. For you it is better to have few more thousand high cost because if you do as a beginners to built your PC on own.

Tips to reduce the price of PC

  • You can use a cheap cabinet
  • You can install less RAM
  • You can use only one storage media you can either choose SSD over HDD anyway
  • You can reduce the expenses on the peripherals
  • When you get yourself running once then you always have the ability to upgrade.


The main point over here is that if you buy your PC as a laptop then it is likely to be Upgradability in the comperision than the computers. PC’s are great at upgrading. If you feel that your PC is lagging then you can Upgrade as per the need to fix the problem arise at your PC. In a conclusion, If your PC doesn’t have a good upgradibility then your PC will go to outdated and then it will runs for few years then you need to struggle for new PC. Rather than bearing a lot of trouble it is better to choose a PC having the great Upgrade.

The whole point of having a PC over a laptop is upgradability. PC’s are great at upgrading. If you feel that your system is running slow you always have a choice to swap up a component or add some according to your need instead of buying a whole new set. Nevertheless, if a PC doesn’t have good upgradability then it will be off dated in just a few years and you would have to take hustle of buying a new one.


The main ambition for you while buying a gaming PC is mainly for gaming so you think that buying a cheap GPU will reguce some money then I will invest the same money for buying CPU. But this kind of thinking push you towards the troubling situation and something it will create trouble. A good GPU is need to run a game in very fruty speed. You need a great CPU in order to run a great GPU. Otherwise there will the developing bottle-necking issues arises which let the gameing bottlenicking.

The bottle necking is the point of congestion of a computer system which will happens when the workload appears faster for the production to process and handel because of insufficiencies created by the equipment so it is better to have a same company’s equipment to rum smoothly.


Peripherals on a PC determines a lot of value in a gaming PC. In this moment you are most possibly thinking about investing all your money to CPU. Many people have same problem while buying the gaming pc they only want to invest their maximum money only on CPU but they don’t think that other peripherals also play a vital role in to make the experience good. If your PC is high-end but it would not provide the experience that you want then the whole things doesn’t determines too much. That’s why it is more important to you to invest the more money for branded Peripherals.

However, the maximum raised price on the other peripherals hinders you then you can think you would upgrade it later. That’s cool but not having the proper and better peripherals will be problem to you. If you didn’t use the quality mnitor then you are not fully utilizing your resources then what is the point of spending all the money on your CPU.

We recommend you to don’t forget to invest in a good table and a chair. Also, it’s important to maintain a good posture while using a PC.

We hope these guidelines help you to know How to choose a good gaming pc in Nepal?. If any queries arise regarding this topic then ICT BYTE recommend you to comment below. Here, we are always active to help you so don’t hesitate to share your doubt.

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