Forget Mero share Password. Reset the password of Mero Share in easy steps.

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Forget Meroshare Password. How to reset password of Mero Share?

The attraction of IPO is increasing day by day in Nepal. The number of people who are using mero share are in exponential growth. With the increment in a number of users in meroshare, the problem with forgetting the password of meroshare is also growing daily.

In this article, we are helping you with the method to reset the meroshare password.

Reset Mero share password Global IME

If you are using Global IME Capital and you forget password, send mail to Don’t forget to mention BOID in the mail. Also, send the mail from the id which is registered with mero share.

Reset Mero Share Password NIBL Capital

If you are user form NIBL capital, you should write a letter to any branch of NIBL capital for the request to reset online password. You need to add Demat details like

  • BOID
  • Name of Client
  • Email Address
  • Signature of clent

Here, your letter should be verified by staff of the bank. Also, copy of citizenship or identity card is compulsory.

To reset the metro share password from NIBL, you can fill this form of NIBL Capital Mero Share Password Reset

Reset Mero Share Password NIC Asia Capital

You are here if you are using NIC Asia Capital. To reset the password, simply mail at

Also send your username and Demat account details.

Forget Mero share Password, using NABIL Invest

With account holder name and BOID, fill up this mero share password recovery form of Nabil Invest to recover the mero share password.

Regenerate mero share password of NMB Capital

To recover the mero share password, write a letter in following format

NMB Capital Limited,
Nagpokhari, Kathmandu.
Subject: To regenerate password of Meroshare
Dear Sir,
I have been availing Meroshare services with your company.

I have lost/forgotten my login Passwords pertaining to the facility. I would,
therefore, request you to regenerate my Password for the said service.

Please do the needful early as per the rules of your company.
Yours faithfully,

Name :
Address :
BOID No. :

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