Career Kickstart 2022 by Internzilla | Here is what Organizer, Internzilla says to you.

Career Kickstart 2022 by Internzilla | Here is what Organizer, Internzilla says to you.

Internzilla is a completely new startup, and in its borning phase, it is organizing an event. The event is named “Career Kickstart 2022” which will obviously of extremely useful for the students.

ICTBYTE talked with the team Internzilla, with Prashant Pandey; co-founder and CEO , Sujan Parajuli: co-founder and CTO , Sewak Gautam; co-founder and MD. Here is what they say about the event and Internzilla.

1. What is “Career Kickstart 2022”?

Career Kickstart 2022 is a three-day virtual event geared towards students. Throughout our event, we aim to help students develop a deeper understanding of job markets and career opportunities in the real world. Our goal is to provide students who attend the event with career advice, tips, and mentorship in order to help them grow professionally.

2. Why do you feel such types of events need to be organized?

Having expert guidance and mentorship is vital for a successful career in technology. College students often struggle with imposter syndrome and other issues, which makes learning more difficult. Students going through those issues will greatly benefit from events of this type, as they will be able to explore different career options, get guidance from experts, and meet other students with similar interests. 

3. How is Career Kickstart 2022 different from other similar types of events?

The career helper events are organized by various organizations and companies, but they usually only address a specific issue or target a certain segment of the student having a certain interest. During Career Kickstart 2022, there will be several sessions on topics that you find very important in helping you grow as a student. We will also cover several career opportunities in panels led by professionals from the field. A fortunate few will also receive gifts from our gift partner.

4. Who and how can people participate here? Why should they join the event?

Every student currently enrolled in a +2 or Bachelor’s level program is invited to Career Kickstart 2022. Additionally, dropouts and career changers looking to enter the tech and entrepreneurship fields can also participate. To take part, students simply need to fill out the that is available on our Facebook Page

Because experts will be providing advice and sharing their experiences at this event, I am confident that the event will be extremely useful for all participants. If you’re someone who is interested in achieving something significant in the future, don’t miss this event.

5. Will you tell something on the organizer “Internzilla ?”

InternZilla is a startup founded by students for students. In InternZilla, we try to solve problems students face in their college years and after they graduate. As of now, InternZilla is still in development, and we will soon launch our platform.

6. Why is Internzilla for?

As I said previously, InternZilla is for students. Our goal at InternZilla is to act as a bridge between companies and students by connecting them with internships and jobs they will love. However, InternZilla is more than just a job and internship platform; we’re trying to be an online buddy for students who are want to succeed in their careers.

7. Who are involved in your events and who are supporting you?

Organizing this event is made possible by our event partners. Without our event partners, organizing this event would not have been possible. TCM security, a leading cybersecurity company from the United States is supporting Career Kickstart 2022 as a gift partner. Itahari International College is also supporting us as an education partner. As well, other numbers of other companies and communities like CryptoGen Nepal,  EventsNp, Tech Sathi, NxtGen, LanceMeUp, Nepdev, Pentester Nepal, and StreamersAlerts are supporting Career Kickstart 2022 in various ways.

8. Anything you need to add on last?

First of all, I and my team want to thank the ICT Byte team for their support as a news partner of our event. I would also like to extend an invitation to all students reading this interview on ICT Bytes to apply for Career Kickstart 2022. Lastly, stay safe from the Omicron virus.

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ICT Byte