Grow your Facebook page's viewership and likes using this strategy

Grow your Facebook page’s viewership and likes using this strategy.

Last Updated on by Sarina Sindurakar

Over the last decade, social media marketing has evolved into an important element of the marketing mix for both large and small firms. It may have a big  influence on your bottom line, and it can also be a great marketing tool when done correctly. 

Whether you’re aiming to reach a local audience or launching a national brand, social media marketing should be included in your marketing strategy.

We’ll walk you through the steps to create a social marketing plan that’s tailored to your target audience and meets your company objectives in this guide.

Setting the goals.

The first step is to set objective and goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. The goal helps to lead the business result.

Example: Increase the number of people who like our Facebook page by 500 every week. Increasing the engagement rate in each post by 20%.

Grow your Facebook page's viewership and likes using this strategy

Increasing social media page like by 500 per week.

Identifying the target audience on the website and targeting them on social media.

After setting the goals, it needs to identify the audience since everyone is not an audience. Knowing the audience is the social key to creating a content they like. This helps to increase the interaction between and helps to bring the huge traffic in the website. This knowledge helps to develop the social media fan into customers.

For tech blogging, site we can target the technology geeks, gadget lover, new technology adapters.

Post engaging and interesting, useful and visual content (helpful tips related to IT).

Engaging, interesting and eye-catching content are the main source for attracting the audience in the social media and websites.

For tech related website, we can post the informative content such as how to fix the blue screen problems in the windows. We can also post the general tips for speeding up the PC.

Grow your Facebook page's viewership and likes using this strategy

Running giveaways to prompt interaction in the pages.

Organizing the giveaway and competition between the audience helps to increase the followers and engagement in the website. As the giveaway benefits both the audience as well as brands. It helps to keep existing audience engaged and as well as gaining new audience.

For Ecommerce website, we can advertise the product by announcing the giveaway such that they need to share, like and comment on the post.

For tech websites, we can organize the giveaway of providing the access to premium software, providing the certain cash prize by making them follow some guidelines.

Grow your Facebook page's viewership and likes using this strategy

Optimising content to encourage sharing and engagement.

Optimizing and creating thought encouraging, and relevant-to-present content that provide healthy, shareable and useful information to promote sharing and engagement.

Giving each post a call-to-action.

Having a call-to-action option can be useful to promote actions you want them to complete. Sometimes a simple push is all that is needed to get an action done; and a simple call-to-action button can be the simplest solution.

Grow your Facebook page's viewership and likes using this strategy

Analysing competitors and seeing what works for them and try to get new ideas from it.

Generating a bunch of ideas and strategy can get us far. What we can also take advantage of is the strategies and ideas that work for our competitors and what doesn’t. These things can be added to our own ideas and outperform our competitors.

Interacting with the audience through comment section and building the groups.

What many businesses don’t prioritize is engagement with the audience they want to turn to customers. Loyal customers are only created through constant engagements with them.

Also Read: Tips for hiring an IT Support Company

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