Last Updated on by Sarina Sindurakar
Full Marks: 60 + 20 + 20
Course No: CSC409
Pass Marks: 24 + 8 + 8
Nature of the Course: Theory + Lab
Credit Hrs: 3
- Unit 1: Programming in Java (8 Hrs.)
- Unit 2: User Interface Components with Swing (10 Hrs.)
- Unit 3: Event Handling (4 Hrs.)
- Unit 4: Database Connectivity (4 Hrs.)
- Unit 5: Network Programming (5 Hrs.)
- Unit 6: GUI with JavaFX (3 Hrs.)
- Unit 7: Servlets and Java Server pages (8 Hrs.)
- Unit 8: RMI and CORBA (3 Hrs.)
- Laboratory Works:
- Text Books:
- Reference Book:
Course Description: This course familiarizes students with basic as well as advanced features of Java Programming Emphasis will be given to GUI and event-driven programming, Database Connectivity, Socket Programming, Servlets and JSP Technology, and Distributed Programming.
Course Objectives: The main objective of this course is to introduce basic concepts of Java Programming, exemplify the concept of GUI programming and JDBC , demonstrate socket programming, remote objects, and servlet and JSP Technology.
Course Contents:
Unit 1: Programming in Java (8 Hrs.)
1.3. Handling Exceptions: Try, Catch, Finally, Throws, and Throw keywords, Creating Exception Class
Unit 2: User Interface Components with Swing (10 Hrs.)
2.2. Layout Management: No Layout, Flow layout, Border Layout, Grid Layout, Gridbag Layout, Group Layout.
Unit 3: Event Handling (4 Hrs.)
3.1. Event Handling Concept, Listener Interfaces, Using Action Commands, Adapter Classes
3.2. Handling Action Events, Key Events, Focus Events, Mouse Event, Window Event, Item Events
Unit 4: Database Connectivity (4 Hrs.)
4.1. JDBC Architecture, JDBC Driver Types, JDBC Configuration, Managing Connections, Statements, Result Set, SQL Exceptions
4.2. DDL and DML Operations using Java, Prepared Statements, Multiple Results, Scrollable Result Sets, Updateable Result Sets, Row Sets and Cached Row Sets, Transactions, SQL Escapes.
Unit 5: Network Programming (5 Hrs.)
5.1. Transmission control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Ports, IP Address Network Classes in JDK
5.2. Socket programming using TCP, Socket programming using UDP, Working with URL’s, Working with URL Connection Class.
5.3. Java Mail API, Sending and Receiving Email
Unit 6: GUI with JavaFX (3 Hrs.)
6.1. Introduction, JavaFX vs Swing, JavaFX Layouts: FlowPane, BorderPane, Hbox, VBox, GridPane
6.2. JavaFX UI Controls: Label, TextField, Button, RadioButton, CheckBox, Hyperlink, Menu, Tooltip, FileChooser.
Unit 7: Servlets and Java Server pages (8 Hrs.)
7.1. Web Container, Introduction to Servlets, Life cycle of servlets, The servlet APIs, Writing Servlet Programs, Reading Form Parameters, Processing Forms, Handling HTTP Request and Response (GET / POST Request), Database Access with Servlets, Handling Cookies and Session.
7.2. Servlet vs JSP, JSP Access Model, JSP Syntax (Directions, Declarations, Expression, Scriplets, Comments), JSP Implicit Objects, Object Scope, Processing Forms, Database Access with JSP.
7.3. Introduction to Java Web Frameworks
Unit 8: RMI and CORBA (3 Hrs.)
8.1 Introduction of RMI, Architecture of RMI, Creating and Executing RMI Applications
8.2 Introduction to CORBA, RMI vs CORBA, Architecture of CORBA, IDL, Simple CORBA Program.
Laboratory Works:
The laboratory work includes writing programs related to basic java programming concepts, Designing GUI, Event Handling, JDBC, Network Programming, Web Programming, and Distributed Programming. They also learn to develop web applications using Java Web Frameworks.
Text Books:
1. Cay S. Horstmann, Core Java Volume I–Fundamentals, Pearson, Eleventh Edition, 2018
2. Cay S. Horstmann, Core Java Volume II-Advance Features, Pearson, Eleventh Edition, 2019
3. Herbert Schildt, Java: The Complete Reference, McGraw-Hill Education, Eleventh Edition, 2018
Reference Book:
1. D.T. Editorial Services, Java 8 Programming