Bachelor of Information Technology | Lincoln University College BIT Syllabus

Find Out The BIT Syllabus of Lincoln University College!

BIT Syllabus Of Lincoln College Nepal:


Total Credit: 23

1.Internet Fundamental& ApplicationsBIT 111Major4
2.Basic Computer ArchitectureBIT 112Major4
3.Business EnglishBIT 113Compulsary3
4.Computer NetworkBIT 114Major4
5.C-ProgrammingBIT 115Major4
6.Math IBIT 116Major4

The table provided contains information about a set of subjects or courses. Here’s a short description based on the table:

The table represents a list of courses offered within a program or curriculum. Each row corresponds to a specific course and provides the following details:

  1. SN: Serial number or identifier assigned to each course.
  2. Subject: The name or title of the system.
  3. Code: The unique code or identifier assigned to the course.
  4. Classification: Indicates the variety or category of the course. In this table, the categories are “Major” and “Compulsory.”
  5. Credit: The number of credits assigned to the course, representing its weight or value in the curriculum.


Total Credit: 24

1.Advanced Computer NetworkBIT 121Major4
2.Data Structure & AlgorithmBIT 234Major4
3.Discrete MathematicsBIT 114Compulsory4
4.Java ProgrammingBIT 243Major4
5.E-commerceBIT 232Major4
6.Digital LogicBIT 126Major4
  1. SN: Serial number or identifier assigned to each course.
  2. Subject: The name or title of the system.
  3. Code: The unique code or identifier assigned to the course.
  4. Classification: Indicates the variety or category of the course. In this table, the categories are “Major” and “Compulsory.”
  5. Credit: The number of credits assigned to the course, representing its weight or value in the curriculum.


Total Credit: 21

1.Database Management SystemBIT 231Major4
2.Cyber Security Law & PolicyCSLPA 232Major4
3.Web TechnologyBIT 233Compulsary4
4.System Analysis & DesignBIT 123Major4
5.Operating SystemBIT 235Major3
6.Leadership & Human RelationsBIT 122Compulsary2
  1. SN: Serial number or identifier assigned to each course.
  2. Subject: The name or title of the system.
  3. Code: The unique code or identifier assigned to the course.
  4. Classification: Indicates the variety or category of the course. In this table, the categories are “Major” and “Compulsory.”
  5. Credit: The number of credits assigned to the course, representing its weight or value in the curriculum.


Total Credit: 20

1.Mobile COmputingBIT 351Major4
2.Multimedia SystemBIT 364Major4
3.Real Time SystemBIT 352Compulsary4
4.Software EngineeringBIT 244Major4
5.RDBMS with SQLBIT 245Major4
  1. SN: Serial number or identifier assigned to each course.
  2. Subject: The name or title of the system.
  3. Code: The unique code or identifier assigned to the course.
  4. Classification: Indicates the variety or category of the course. In this table, the categories are “Major” and “Compulsory.”
  5. Credit: The number of credits assigned to the course, representing its weight or value in the curriculum.


Total Credit: 23

1.Software Project ManagementBIT 362Major4
2.Social & Professional Issues in ComputingBIT 351Major3
3.Artificial IntelligenceBIT 353Compulsary3
4.Compiler and Design ConstructionsBIT 354Major4
5.Project WorkBIT 355Major6
6.Business Research MethodsBRM 356Major3
  1. SN: Serial number or identifier assigned to each course.
  2. Subject: The name or title of the system.
  3. Code: The unique code or identifier assigned to the course.
  4. Classification: Indicates the variety or category of the course. In this table, the categories are “Major” and “Compulsory.”
  5. Credit: The number of credits assigned to the course, representing its weight or value in the curriculum.


Total Credit: 18

1.Cloud ComputingBIT 361Major4
2.Emerging Programming Platforms & TechnologiesBIT 362Major4
3.WML & WAP ProgrammingBIT 363Compulsory4
4.Industrial TrainingBIT 365Major6
  1. SN: Serial number or identifier assigned to each course.
  2. Subject: The name or title of the system.
  3. Code: The unique code or identifier assigned to the course.
  4. Classification: Indicates the variety or category of the course. In this table, the categories are “Major” and “Compulsory.”
  5. Credit: The number of credits assigned to the course, representing its weight or value in the curriculum.