45+ Nepali Websites Hacked by Indian Hackers [ With Name ]

Last Updated on by ICT Byte

Indian Hackers have hacked about 45 Nepali Websites. Kerala Cyber Phoenix, a facbook page posted about this.

In the facebook post, there is written:

Don’t try to step with our indian cyber space.. we are Indian Hackers… Don’t underestimate us… This is just a beginning….
Don’t Mess With Indian Hackers..

Jai Hind!!!!!!!!!

Team KCP

Here is the list of hacked Nepali websites by Indian Hackers

  1. http://nationalengineeringcollege.edu.np
  2. http://advanceschool.edu.np
  3. http://alpinemanagementcollege.edu.np/
  4. http://aranikoemschool.edu.np/
  5. http://backup.bleresult.com/web/
  6. http://bankeengconsultancy.com.np/
  7. http://bardiyaacademy.edu.np/
  8. http://bbc.edu.np/
  9. http://bebschool.edu.np/
  10. http://bihaniscreen.com.np/
  11. http://bikashsijapati.com.np/
  12. http://chaudharyprakash.com.np/
  13. http://coem.edu.np/
  14. http://covid19nepalgunj.tukiemis.com/
  15. http://crm.eeye.com.np/
  16. http://dcubanke.org.np/
  17. http://demo.eeye.com.np/
  18. http://eagleeyeit.com.np/
  19. http://feabanke.edu.np/
  20. http://globalsamachar.com.np/
  21. http://greencitynepal.org.np
  22. http://gyani.eeye.com.np/
  23. http://hackathon.tukiemis.com/
  24. http://hamrobardiya.com.np/
  25. http://healthcarehospital.com.np/
  26. http://hiramanipun.com.np/
  27. http://holylandnpj.edu.np/
  28. http://janajyotipublicschool.edu.np/
  29. http://kavyadecor.com.np/
  30. http://krishnasarnews.com/
  31. http://krishnasaronline.com/
  32. http://kshitiz.com.np/
  33. http://laxmisteeltrading.com.np/
  34. http://modernschoolnpj.edu.np/
  35. http://muncipality.bleresult.com/
  36. http://nepalcricinfo.com/
  37. http://onlineearning.tukiemis.com/
  38. http://paudelkshitiz.com.np/
  39. http://purnahiraschool.edu.np/
  40. http://shanticomputer.com.np/
  41. http://shantipress.com.np/
  42. http://siliconcare.com.np/
  43. http://smbagrofarm.com/
  44. http://starfuturenpj.edu.np/
  45. http://tpi.edu.np/

In the hacked website, following message is given:

[Special Thanks to]
| ALL INDIAN HACKERS _____________________________________~Hello nepalians~
~We are indian hackers~
~Don’t play on indian cyberspace!|~stop your play~
~otherwise we will get back to you…~<~
_just remember this…!

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