csitan ictbyte agreement

CSIT Association of Nepal Purwanchal and ICT BYTE signed MOU

Last Updated on by ICT Byte

CSIT Association of Nepal Purwanchal (CSITAN 0010) and ICT BYTE signed an agreement for the promotion of CSITAN Purwanchal including its events and updates.

MOU between CSITAN 0010 and ICT BYTE is intended to:

• Promotion of CSITAN

• Increase visibility of the events organized by CSITAN

• Co-ordination of CSITAN and ICT BYTE.

CSITAN is one of the leading technology related organization based on Eastern region of Nepal. ICT BYTE is tech portal especially focused on Nepal which is playing important role for the promotion of ICTS sector in Nepal.

ICT BYTE is taking the following activities after MOU :

• Promote every CSITAN events through ictbyte.com

• Sharing / Posting the events through social media platform that ICT BYTE is using

• Creating events / news in ictbyte.com with higher level of visibility

This MOU is in force from 25th  Dec 2020.   Sandhya Shrestha, president of CSITAN Purwanchal and Sumi Prajapati, Manager of ICT BYTE signed the agreement/

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