Unicode to Preeti Converter is an application that converts Unicode into Preeti font characters. You need this when you want to convert files in Unicode that needs to be decoded to Preeti font. Unicode is the universally accepted standard with a unique number for each character. So, while sending data written in Preeti font, you need to encode it to Unicode so that the file does not get corrupted. during transfer.
Now, after these data are transferred, it is received by the user in Unicode which needs to be decoded to read the message clearly. So, for this purpose, we need Unicode to Preeti converter if the original file was written in Preeti.
Here, we have a list of top 10 Unicode to Preeti Converter:
Top 10 Unicode to Preeti Converter
1. Mero Kalam
Mero Kalam is primarily a blogging website that also provides the conversion tool. This website has two tools: Preeti to Unicode converter, and Unicode to Preeti converter. To use this tool, follow the following steps:
- Go to https://www.merokalam.com/
- Click on Tools option located at the top right corner.
- Then, click on Unicode to Preeti.
You are now directed to a page where you can insert the Unicode article in the box. Insert the Unicode article in the first box and click on the ‘Preeti’ option below the box. Then, the equivalent Preeti text is displayed on the second box.
2. Tools Nepal
Tools Nepal is a site that provides various tools necessary especially for Nepali users. This site provides tools such as Nepali typing, Preeti to Unicode converter, Unicode to Preeti converter, Nepali calendar, date converter, and language translations.
To use Unicode to Preeti converter, follow the following steps:
- Go to https://www.toolsnepal.com/.
- Click on Unicode to Preeti.
- Paste the Unicode text in the first box.
- Click on ‘Convert to Preeti’.
- Copy or get the Preeti text from the second box below.
3. Notes Nepal
Notes Nepal is also a site similar to Tools Nepal. This site also provides tools such as Nepali typing, language translation, Unicode to Preeti converter, Preeti to Unicode converter, currency converter, gold prices in Nepal, and Nepali calendar. Follow the following steps to use the converter:
- Go to https://notesnepal.com/.
- Click on Unicode converter from the Menu bar. The default will be Preeti to Unicode.
- Select on Unicode to Preeti.
- Then, paste the Unicode text in the first box.
- Click on ‘Convert to Preeti’.
- The converted text is now available on the second box.
4. Nepali Unicode Converter
Nepali Unicode converter is a site that provides Nepali typing, Unicode to Preeti converter, and Preeti to Unicode converter. Below are the steps to convert Unicode to Preeti:
- Go to https://nepaliunicodeconverter.com/.
- Select Unicode to Preeti from the menu.
- Paste the Unicode on the ‘Paste Unicode’ box.
- The converted text is available on the ‘Unicode to Preeti’ box.
5. Artha Sarokar
Artha Sarokar is one of the leading economic news portals of Nepal. Moreover, along with economic news, it also provides the feature to convert Unicode to Preeti. To use this feature, follow the instructions below:
- Go to https://www.arthasarokar.com/.
- On the top left of the site, you will see preeti to unicode. Click that link.
- It redirects you to the converter page.
- You can also directly go to the converter by going to https://preeti.arthasarokar.com/.
- Then, select Unicode to Preeti from the menu.
- Type or paste the Unicode on the first box.
- The equivalent Preeti text is displayed on the second box.
6. Ashesh’s Blog
Ashesh’s Blog is a blog site operated by a blogger named Ashesh. This site is primarily for blog posts, but it also has other useful features such as Nepali calendar, Preeti to Unicode, Unicode to preeti, horoscope, exchange rates, and many more.
To use the Unicode to Preeti converter, follow the steps given below:
- Go to https://www.ashesh.com.np/.
- Click on Web Apps form the Menu bar.
- Then, click on Unicode to Preeti.
- Now, paste the Unicode content on the first box.
- Then, click on ‘Click here to convert to Preeti font’ option.
- The converter will display the equivalent text on the second box.
7. Nepali Unicode
As the name suggests, Nepali Unicode is a site where you can convert Nepali Unicode. Also, it has other features such as horoscope, Nepali typing, Nepali calendar, Baghchal game, and many more.
The steps to convert Unicode to Preeti is as follows:
- Go to http://nepaliunicode.rat32.com/.
- After that, scroll down and you will see Unicode to Preeti option. Click on the link.
- Then, paste the Unicode in the first box.
- Now, click on ‘Convert Unicode to Preeti’.
- Then, the converted text appears on the second box.
8. Nepal News
Nepal News is an online news portal of Nepal. Along with the news, it also provides Unicode converter tools. The steps are given below:
- Go to https://nepalnews.com/.
- Then, look to the right section as you scroll down. There you will find the Unicode option on the Information section. Click on the Unicode.
- Alternatively, you can directly go to the converter by going to https://nepalnews.com/unicode-converter/.
- Now, select ‘Nepali Unicode to Preeti’ from the menu bar.
- Then, paste your Unicode on the left box.
- Then, click on ‘Click Here to convert Unicode to Preeti’.
- The equivalent Preeti text is available now in the right box.
9. unicode.shresthasushil.com.np
unicode.shresthasushil.com.np is a dedicated converter available on the web for converting Unicode to Preeti. The steps to use this converter is given below:
- Go to http://unicode.shresthasushil.com.np/.
- Simply paste the Unicode on the left box.
- Then, click on ‘Convert to Preeti’.
- Now, the converter will display the converted text in the right box.
10. Sajha Post
Sajha Post is a news portal of Nepal that provides news from all over the world. Apart from this, This portal also provides the Unicode conversion feature. To use this feature, follow the given steps:
- Go to https://www.sajhapost.com/.
- Go to the ‘Others’ section in the menu bar.
- Then, click on the Unicode option.
- Then, select the ‘Nepali Unicode to Preeti’ option from the menu bar.
- Now, enter the Unicode on the left box.
- Then, click on ‘Click Here to convert Unicode to Preeti’ option.
- Then, the right box will display the equivalent Preeti text.
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