
10 Most Powerful Hacking Method You Must Know

10 Most Powerful Hacking Method You Must Know

Hacking Method Intro:

Hacking method refers to accessing the information with an unauthorized method. There are various Hacking tools and hacking method which helps the hacker to gain the information and help to access to the personal accounts and data. Among the various method here Tech Byte is going to mentions some of the most widely used and common technique of Hacking Method.
So let’s Begin.

Phishing Hacking Method:

Phishing words sounds like Fishing. Isn’t it? Actually the name of the attack is named as Phishing because the working principal of the technique is too much similar like fishing where the scams is done to the victim by the attacker by creating a beautiful trap. The Phishing attack is most popular and widely used technique in the world. On a daily basis many users get trapped from this attack.

If we talk in the context of website hacking from this technique then we will found that many hacker replicate of the portal in order to steal money and other personal and sensitive information. In this attack if any user or a website authority holder enter and fills his/her information on unverified or unauthentic link or a programs then their data will leaks.Then the hacker will have the access to the data and information and can use it for a personal benefits.

Viruses and malicious codes Hacking Method:

Hacker can able to crawl on any page of the website if the user can use/runs an unauthorized codes or a program to a devices where the information is kept. Then the attacker put many of the malware and viruses to that website which makes the hacker to access tho the page for the next time also. So, Be sure that you are not running such type of suspicious type of program or anything else.

UI Readers Hacking Method:

This technique is too much similar like Phishing where the scam environment is created but the only difference in Phishing and UI Readers attacks is that Phishing have not a hidden interface of user but UI Readers hacking Technique have the hidden user interface. In this attack the the hacker creates the fake page to the user and sent it if any of the user click enter button with the intention of proceeding the data then the victim/user is directly redirected to the website which is too unfamiliar to us also have inappropriate contents and the hacker get the access to victim.

Cookie refers as the mechanism of the website to reads the behavior of consumer’s. With the help of cookie theft technique the hacker can easily steal your browsers cookie data and information.your history over the websites, Your Personal information like your Email, Username, Password and even your sensitive information. In such situation you don’t know how is your account got hacked. Here Tech Byte only recommends you that the good practice to be safe from this attack is to clear your browser cache in the regular basis. {READ: HOW TO CLEAR THE CACHE OF ALL BROWSER}

Distributed Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS):

It is a very powerful type of attack where the attacker used to crash the server or a way to make a certain servers not available to public use. In this attack mainly machines/bots are used to crash or interrupt a server. In this attack the bots have the many responsibility to send a lot of things as a request to the server. And as a results the website is unable to proceed the huge amount of requiest and the server will get down the get crashed. The very hazardous things of this attack is that the hacker can crash a server in couple of minutes.

DNS Spoofing Hacking Method:

DNS Spoofing is simply known as DNS Cache Poisoning. It means the throwing of the poison to DNS cache in order to spread the poison on old cache to new ones relatively. The working principal of the this attack is that when the old and forgotten cache is keeping on your device but you are unknown about this the attacker can get access on that cache via a cookie of the website and the vulnerability in the domain name system allows hacker to redirect to the traffic from your website to a malicious ones. After that the hacker drop a infection to the DNS and it start to infect other DNS then this attacks happen.

SQL Injection Hacking Method:

If a library or a SQL database of a website contains a vulnerabilities then the hacker can get the access of your data and information by deceiving the system. There is no doubt that SQL Injection is a very effective and simple tool. But this tool can gain the vital information of the websites/portals and ther is no any kind of doubt.

Keylogger Injection Hacking Method:

Dangerous malicious code of keylogger is very simple. This is considered as a very high level attack which runs in the mechanism of capturing the users record on the keyboard and it is also capable of installing the malicious script which can produce an in-browser cryptocurrency miner. In this process if any of the hacker is successful to obtain the data then it brings the result as the can easily login to your website.

Non- Targeted website Hack:

In many cases hacker don’t attacks the specific or a targeted website if the hacker are highly interested in the massive hacking. In order to be safe from the unexpected hacks such as this attack you have to overlook the CMS, Plugin or template vulnerability time to time or say on a daily basis. If you make any gap in overlook the cms plugin or template then you will be probably the next target for the hacker.

Brute force Hacking Method:

It is a most popular and widely used simple type of attack of gaining the information and access of the website. It can tries many type of custom pin and generates the password. It indicates as the representative of the army attacking the fort.

It is hard to believe the admin to know that the hacker can gain the information and access website in a couple of minutes without using the specific type of tools. If the Google Hacking Database is well-known to the hacker then it will be a milestone for the hackers to get the information and data. Hackers also don’t able to hack the website and program in a single blink of a time. They also need to meet the criteria of the hacking process and the website also need to have the easiest loophole and security so don’t ignore in the security.

Whereas the experienced hacker can only need a minutes to hack a unsecured website. Rather than being upset after getting hacked Tech Byte highly recommend to follow the security protocols of website security.

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Prince Pudasaini