Types of Data

Last Updated on by Karina Shakya

There are three main types of data:


  • Data Matrix
  • Document Data
  • Transaction Data


  • World wide web
  • Social Network


  • Spatial Data
  • Temporal Data
  • Sequential Data
  • Genetic Sequence Data

Record Data

  • Data that consists of a collection of records, each of which consists of a fixed set of attribute.
  • Data that consists of a collection of records, each of which consists of a fixed set of attribute.
  • Attribute is also known as variable, field, characteristic, dimension, or feature.
  • A collection of attributes describe an object.
  • Object is also known as record, data point, case, sample, entity, or instance.

Data Matrix

  • If data objects have the same fixed set of numeric attributes, then the data objects can be thought of as points in a multi-dimensional space, where each dimension represents a distinct attribute.
  • Such data set can be represented by an m by n matrix, where there are m rows, one for each object, and n columns, one for each attribute.
types of data
types of data

Document Data

  • Each document becomes a โ€˜termโ€˜ vector
  •  Each term is component(attribute) of the vector
  • The value of each component is the number of times the corresponding terms occur in the document.
types of data

Transaction Data

  • A special type of record data, where
  • Each record (transaction) involves a set of items.
  • For example, consider a grocery store. The set of products purchased by a customer during one shopping trip constitute a transaction, while the individual products that were purchased are the items.
types of data

Graph Data

  • Data consisting of node and Edges. If objects have structure, that is, the objects contain sub objects that have relationships, then such objects are frequently represented as graphs.
  • Generic Graph:
types of data
  • World-wide web:types of data
  • Social or information networks:
types of data

Ordered Data

  • Ordered data is a collection of data elements which are ordered sequences.
  • In a ordered data, each item has an index associated with it.
  • Example of ordered data is: Spatial Data, Temporal Data, Sequential Data, Genetic Sequence Data, etc.
types of data

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