Code for change is organizing Tech Conclave 2020, a national event for 3 days. It is a national convention of Tech Enthusiasts, SEE graduates, +2 Students, and Bachelors students.
The main agenda of this event is divided into 3 parts: Learn, connect, and entertain. Code for change has brought this event targeting students at every level.
The main focus of this event will be to talk about the things that are happening right now. The talk will also include discussions on the IT field, including the market and economy of the IT field.
Also, there will be championship events for startup/entrepreneurship ideas and entertainment.
The event is set to take place on 14th, 15th, and 16th of August 2020.
Here’s a list of the activities that will take place on the event:
1. Keynote
2. Powertalk
3. Panel Discussion
4. Ideathon
5. PUBG Championship
6. Quiz Championship
7. Speakers Session
8. Networking Activities
9. Engagement Activities
10. And many more
Code for Change is an organization that has been organizing various webinars, workshops, and other events related to IT. They have continued organizing such webinars, workshops, and springboard series virtually even during this lockdown.
So, make sure that you are registered for this event. You will be able to learn a lot from experienced speakers at the event.
Register for the Tech Conclave event here: Register
Also, you can sponsor the event. Sponsor Code for Change here: Sponsor
Follow Code for Change Facebook page for updates other information: Facebook
Visit the official website of Code for Change: Code for change