Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO

IPO Result of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited. When will Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Result Publish?

Last Updated on by ICT Byte

About Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited

Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited with company code  202107011 has issued ordinary shares IPO for the general public. MSLBSL is the script code of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta.

Manakamana Smart Laghubitta is Rupandehi based public microfinance company in Nepal.  This microfinance is registered in the Office of Company Registrar, Kathmandu on 2074/06/25 B.S. Manakamana Laghubitta gets a license from Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) on 2074/10/02 B.S. This Laghubitta is a “D” class Micro Finance Institution. MSLBSL has started its financial operation on 2074/11/06., beginning from Bhairahawa Branch Rupandehi.

Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO Information

While filling the IPO, one had to apply for a minimum of 10 units that are 10 kitta. 1000 units of share are the maximum limit that one could apply while filling initial public offering i.e IPO. Share value per unit of MAnakamana Smart Laghubitta is Rs 100 for IPO. It has a share value of 363492.

IPO of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha was opened from 1st of July 2021 to 5th of July 2021.

389,000 kittas of shares worth Rs 3.89 crores were made public for the IPO. 0.5% of total shares are allocated for the employees of the company. Similarly, 5% of total shares are for mutual funds. The remaining shares are for the general public. IPO issue manager is NMB capital.

18,96,922 applicants have applied for a total of 2,48,45,360 units according to issue manager, NMB Capital.

Board Members of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited

  • Mr. Ajay Goyanka
    ( Chairman )
  • Mr. Abisekh Beriwal
    ( Board Member )
  • Mr. Achyut Pant
    ( Board Member(Professional) )
  • Mr Pradeep Kumar Sudraniya
    ( Board Member )
  • Mrs. Shanti Chaudhary
    ( Board Member )

Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO Result Date [Updated]

The most probable date of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO Result is 12th July 2021. But it’s an estimated date only. If we get any updates, we will keep updating you. So, stay with for more and the latest information.

Also Read:

How to fill IPO form Online in Nepal?

Apply for IPO (Share) Online with Mero Share App Now!

How to check IPO Result of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited?

When the IPO result of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha gets to publish, you can check the result on one of the following

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NMB capital is the issue manager for this IPO result and you can check IPO result on the official website of NMB capital.

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