work from home

Two blunders of “Work From Home” in Nepal. Aren’t we ready for work from home culture yet?

Last Updated on by Sumi

During this lockdown, everyone is staying indoors. Working from home and digitalization in many sectors is being popular these days. Working from home was already in practice globally. But in Nepal finally, this COVID-19 made everyone like a compulsion to this, whether it’s good or bad it has finally come into practice in Nepal.

Many of the organizations are facing lots of difficulties while working from home. From the home environment to technical issues like Internet connectivity and resources, there are lots of issues being faced by everyone.

It’s very new to many of the companies, many of the workers are new to these virtual meetings and also in the learning phase to cope up with the new technologies exploring every day.

From governmental sectors to private areas, we are hearing many small mistakes and blunders that had actually made a huge impact.

Let me be clear and give you an examples with scenarios ;

Blunder 1 by Shirantech : Shirantech Vs KathmanduPress

Blunder 2 by Mercantile: Mercantile Vs

Case 1: Shiran Technologies Vs Kathmandu Press

Kathmandu Press accused Shiran Technologies for removing the news content from its website without any permission from their team.

Know more here :

Kathmandu Press accuses its site developer of removing a news article without consent

Kathmandu Press use to say that the news is deleted after they publish news related to the purchase of medical equipment where relatives of VIPs are involved.

In this blame, Shiran Technologies accepted their mistake. See the press release by them

work from home in nepal
work from home in nepal

The press release by Shiran Technologies clearly says that this blunder was made during “Work From Home”. They have started work from home after the country is in lockdown after coronavirus pandemic.

So, if Shiran Technologies is right, we can take this as a blunder of work from the home culture in the tech industry of Nepal.

Case 2: Mercantile Vs

A privately established company, E-Learning Pvt. Ltd. blames its site is hijacked by the Nepal government.

Later on, Mercantile Communication Private Limited, who deserves all rights of .np domain in Nepal accepted its mistake for this.

We didn’t find an apology on their website and social media platform. But Techpana, Nepali medium-tech portal of Nepal writes Mercantile accepts their mistake referring to the Head of Domain Department.

Read the news of Techpana here.

Now, check the image below.

work from home in nepal

This statement also points us towards the blunder made during work from home.

What can be the reasons behind these blunders from Work From Home ?

  • Company may be lying to be safe

This can be the reason. Is it that the company is just faking the mistakes by doing it intentionally. Are they lying to be safe from the consequences?

  • Lack of communication

It’s obvious that when we are working virtually our schedules and the communication gap effects our work. There can be lots of misunderstandings due to lack of proper communication.

  • New Culture

Virtual communication and working from home is very new for many of us. It’s quite challenging to adopt this new culture. There come lots of challenges from learning new technology to new concepts and new work schedules within this new environment. So is this new culture that really made those mistakes?

Final words:

Luckily, in this increasingly connected world, we can continue our professional’s work and private lives virtually. However, with massive increases in the number of people working remotely, it is of the significant role that we also take care of our cyber hygiene and be very careful about the consequences that can occur with our small mistakes.

Don’t forget to comment down below what are your thoughts regarding this.

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