Masters of Computer Science Managerial Communication

Public Speaking. Things you need to consider

Tips/ Techniques for public speaking / formal speech /Oral Presentations

1. Selection of the Topic :

  • your topic will be assigned or you will select
  • While selecting topic, you should consider a. your knowledge b. your audience c. the occasion

2. Preparation of the Presentation :

  • Conduct the research
  • Properly arrange the INTRODUCTION, BODY, and CONCLUSION


  •    Gain attention in the opening
  •    You can begin from story, anecdote, humor , quotation, …
  •     Tell the subject of your speech
  •     In most business-related presentations, you should make a direct statement of your theme early in the speech.

Body ( Discussion): 

  • Main part
  • Make the subtopics of the speech
  • Emphasize the transitions between parts


  • The ending usually a. restates the subject b. summarizes key points, c. draws  conclusion
  • Present the concluding message in strong language— in words that gain attention and will be remembered.
  • In addition to concluding with a summary, you can give an appropriate quote, use humor, and call for action. 
  • American management techniques illustrates this point: “ These facts make my conclusion crystal clear. We are not Japanese. We do not have Japanese culture. Most Japanese management methods have not worked– can not work– will not work in our society.”

3. Determination of Presentation Method

  • Extemporaneous presentation generally sound natural to the listeners. ( Details will be given in the subsequent slides)
  • Impromptu
  • Memorized
  • Manuscript

4. Consideration of Personal Aspects

  • confidence : Your confidence in yourself and the confidence of your audience in you. Project the right image, and talk in a strong, clear voice.
  • Sincerity: Your listeners are quick to detect insincerity. If they detect it in you, they are likely to get little weight to what you say.
  • Thoroughness: Give your listeners all they need. It makes your image good.
  • Friendliness: It helps your speech make effective. 

5. Audience Analysis

  • Preliminary analysis:
    • size of the audience, and audience characteristics
  • Analysis during the Presentation:
    •   Your eyes and ears will give you feedback whether or not the audience are interested in your speech.

6. Appearance and Physical actions

  • Communication environment: stage, lighting, etc
  • Personal appearance: Be clean
  • Posture: right posture ( Practice speaking before a mirror to make your posture right in front of audience)
  • Walking: Hesitant, awkward walking steps convey the negative impression. A strong, sure walk gives an impression of confidence.
  • Facial Expression: smiles, frowns, eye contact
  • Gestures: Gestures vague meaning, but they communicate

7. Use of Voice

Good voice is a requirement of good speaking.

Four faults affect voice:

  • Lack of pitch variation
    • Lack of variation in speaking speed
    • lack of vocal emphasis ( give words a proper emphasis)
    • Unpleasant voice quality ( You can improve it)

You can improve above-mentioned four voice faults by Self-analysis and Imitation

8. Use of Visuals

  • Slides with talking points , charts, tables, film, and the like.
  • Techniques in using visuals :
  • Make sure that everyone can see the visuals.
  • Explain the visual if you think that it can be misunderstood.
  • Organize the visuals.
  • Emphasize the visuals.
  • Talk to the audience, not to the visuals. 
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