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- 1. Communication in General
- 2. Forms of Communication
- Barriers of Communication:
- 3. Gateways of Communication
- Nonverbal Communication
- Intercultural Communication
- 4. Quiz, Case based presentation & Assignment Activities
- 5. Listening
- Speaking
- 6. Etiquette and Socialization
- Presentation
- Interviews
- 7. Meetings
- 8. Quiz, Case based presentation & Assignment Activities
- 9. Business Correspondence
- Effective Business Writing
- 10. Sales correspondence
- After-sales correspondence
- 11. Quiz, Case based presentation & Assignment Activities
- 12. Positive and Negative Messages
- Official Correspondence
- Job correspondence
- 13. Effective e-mails and Instant Messages
- Persuasive messages
- 14. Reports and Proposals
- 15. Final Research-based Presentation & Assignment Activities with Report
Course Objective:
The program offers the students with a foundation and conceptual knowledge along with skills relevant across changing times, and principles of good communication. The major objective of this module is to develop in students communicative competency in the diverse fields of IT and management.
1. Communication in General
Managerial and Technical Communication
Personal/Professional/Organizational objectives of communication.
Importance of managerial and technical communication for the career and for the organization
2. Forms of Communication
Types – Patterns – Directions of communication
Advantages / Disadvantages of the various forms
Operational categories of communication
Barriers of Communication:
Basic Communication Process Model
Medium – Channel – Noise –Feedback
Sensory Limitations
3. Gateways of Communication
Gateways for each of these barriers.
Nonverbal Communication
Kinesics – Occulesics – Paralanguage – Proxemics – Haptics –Chronemics
Improving nonverbal communication
Intercultural Communication
Concepts of culture, culture centric behaviors and the ways to avoid them.
Factors of differences in intercultural communication
Features of low-context and high-context cultures.
Improving intercultural communication skills.
4. Quiz, Case based presentation & Assignment Activities
5. Listening
Process of listening
Barriers of effective listening
Effective v/s ineffective listening
Types of listening and their roles
Types of speaking according to modeof delivery
Types of speeches and tips for their delivery
6. Etiquette and Socialization
Meaning of Etiquette and its components
Business Etiquette in general and in social context
Components and instruments of oral presentation.
Planning and delivering a presentation.
Types of interviews and their functions
Steps and techniques of taking interviews
Steps and techniques of giving interviews
7. Meetings
Types of meeting and components of meeting
Planning and conducting a meeting.
Agenda, minutes and their parts.
8. Quiz, Case based presentation & Assignment Activities
9. Business Correspondence
Types of business letters, their structure and format.
Essential and additional components.
Techniques of letter writing and the approaches.
Effective Business Writing
Planning, writing and completing a business message
10. Sales correspondence
Types of Enquiries, components and techniques of writing
Orders, their components, and techniques of writing.
Components of replies and how to write them.
After-sales correspondence
Writing complaints and claims
Writing adjustments and replies according to fault
11. Quiz, Case based presentation & Assignment Activities
12. Positive and Negative Messages
Developing a Positive Tone
Planning, Writing, and Editing
Official Correspondence
Types and components of agency lettersand techniques ofwriting
Types of memos and variouscomponents
Essential features of circulars, noticesand examples
Job correspondence
Essentials of a job campaign
Types of resumes, their functions and formats.
The techniques of application letter writing
Post-Interview correspondence
13. Effective e-mails and Instant Messages
Strategies to Effective e-mails , Correcting Faulty e-mails
Creating Emails – IM – Textmessages
Persuasive messages
Philosophy and theories of persuasion
Elements of persuasion – Appeals
Sales letters and the technique of sales writing
14. Reports and Proposals
15. Final Research-based Presentation & Assignment Activities with Report
Course outline:
No . | LESSON PLAN | Lectur e | Tutoria l | IL T | Tota l |
1. | Communication in General: Managerial and Technical Communication Personal/Professional/Organizational objectives ofcommunication.Importance of managerial and technical communication for thecareer and for theorganization | 4 | 2 | 3 | 9 |
2. | Forms of Communication: Types – Patterns – Directions of communicationAdvantages / Disadvantages of thevarious formsOperational categories ofcommunication Barriers of Communication: Basic Communication ProcessModelMedium – Channel – Noise –FeedbackSensoryLimitations | 6 | 3 | 3 | 12 |
3. | Gateways of Communication: Gateways for each of thesebarriers. Nonverbal Communication: Kinesics – Occulesics – Paralanguage – Proxemics – Haptics –ChronemicsImproving nonverbalcommunication Intercultural Communication: Concepts of culture, culture centric behaviors and the ways to avoidthem.Factors of differences inintercultural communicationFeatures of low-context and high-context cultures.Improving intercultural communicationskills. | 8 | 5 | 5 | 18 |
4. | Quiz, Case based presentation & Assignment Activities | – | 2 | 2 | 4 |
5. | Listening: Process oflisteningBarriers of effectivelisteningEffective v/s ineffectivelistening | 7 | 3 | 4 | 14 |
Types of listening and theirroles Speaking: Types of speaking according to modeof deliveryTypes of speeches and tips for theirdelivery | |||||
6. | Etiquette and Socialization Meaning of Etiquette and itscomponentsBusiness Etiquette in general and insocial context Presentation: Components and instruments oforal presentation.Planning and delivering apresentation. Interviews: Types of interviews and theirfunctionsSteps and techniques of takinginterviewsSteps and techniques of givinginterviews | 8 | 3 | 4 | 15 |
7. | Meetings: Types of meeting and components ofmeetingPlanning and conducting ameeting.Agenda, minutes and theirparts. | 3 | 2 | 3 | 8 |
8. | Quiz, Case based presentation & Assignment Activities | – | 2 | 2 | 4 |
9. | Business Correspondence: Types of business letters, their structureand format.Essential and additionalcomponents.Techniques of letter writing and theapproaches. Effective Business Writing: Planning, writing and completing abusiness message | 5 | 2 | 2 | 9 |
10. | Sales correspondence: Types of Enquiries, components andtechniques ofwritingOrders, their components, and techniquesof writing.Components of replies and how to writethem. After-sales correspondence: Writing complaints andclaimsWriting adjustments and replies accordingto fault | 6 | 3 | 3 | 12 |
11 | Quiz, Case based presentation & Assignment Activities | – | 2 | 2 | 4 |
12 | Positive and Negative Messages: Developing a Positive Tone Planning, Writing, and Editing Official Correspondence: Types and components of agency lettersand techniques ofwritingTypes of memos and variouscomponentsEssential features of circulars, noticesand examples Job correspondence: Essentials of a jobcampaignTypes of resumes, their functions andformats.The techniques of application letterwritingPost-Interviewcorrespondence | 8 | 4 | 6 | 18 |
13 | Effective e-mails and Instant Messages: . Strategies to Effective e-mails , Correcting Faulty e-mails Creating Emails – IM – Textmessages Persuasive messages: Philosophy and theories ofpersuasionElements of persuasion – AppealsSales letters and the technique of saleswriting | 5 | 3 | 4 | 12 |
14 | Reports and Proposals: Types, Strategies Examples | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8 |
15 | Final Research-based Presentation & Assignment Activities with Report | – | 4 | 4 | 8 |
TOTAL | 64 | 42 | 49 | 155 |