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To be a part of the world education system along with low tuition fees and generous scholarships, The University of Tokyo is organizing a big event.
“Higher Educational Opportunities in Japan” is an online webinar that is the continuation of the two previous successful events which were done with PABSON and HISSAN.
Happening on 26th Nov, 2021, Friday at 2 PM, this is the last event by The University of Tokyo with the partnership of Tribhuvan University and Media Help Line. Here, the speakers from Japan and Nepal talk about Scholarship, Study Environment, Courses, Career, as well as provide the students with the opportunity to have interactions with the speakers to clarify their queries.
We invite the students to be a part of something great, encouraging them for their bright future.
To participate join us through the link:
Event Name: “Higher Educational Opportunities in Japan”
Date: 26th Nov, 2021
Time: 2PM
Join Here: