Last Updated on by Sarina Sindurakar
Managerial skills
The ability to make business decisions and lead subordinates within a company is defined as a skill. Managerial success is primarily determined by performance rather than by personality traits. The following are some of the most important skills for managers:
Technical Skills
It is the ability to use specific work equipment or procedures.
Human Skills
It refers to an individual’s or a group’s ability to collaborate with, comprehend, and motivate others. Managers with good people skills can get the best results from their subordinates.
Conceptual Skills
It is the ability to analyze and diagnose difficult circumstances or issues with the mind. It assists the manager in conceptualizing the environment, analyzing the forces at work in a situation, and taking a broad, long-term view of the organization.
Managerial Roles
Managerial roles are specific types of managerial behavior.The manager’s managerial roles are critical to the organization’s success. The role may differ depending on the organization’s nature, size, and external environment. Managers have the following specific managerial roles:
Interpersonal role
In an organization, a manager must play an interpersonal role. A manager’s interpersonal roles include participating in various functions and meetings, hearing employee complaints, monitoring, motivating employees to work, and representing organizations in various activities, among other things.Some of the interpersonal roles includes:
- Figurehead
As a figurehead, managers are responsible for social, ceremonial, and legal matters.
- Leader role
As a leader, manager are responsible for providing direction to your team, department, or organization.
- Liaison role
As a liaison, the manager must communicate with both internal and external contacts. Managers must be able to network effectively on behalf of their companies.
Informational roles
A manager has to play an informational role in an organization. He/she should work as an information monitor, as an information disseminator, and as a spokes person.
- Monitor role
As a monitor, managers regularly seek out information related to organization and industry, looking for relevant changes in the environment. Managers also monitor the team in terms of both their productivity and their well-being.
- Disseminator role
As a disseminator, a manager should communicate potentially useful information to colleagues and the team.
- Spokesperson role
Managers represent and speak for their organizations as spokespersons. In this role, they are in charge of disseminating information about their organization and its goals to those outside of it. The manager should be fully informed and serve as an information collector and disseminator both within and outside of the organization.
Decisional roles
In an organization, a manager must perform a decision-making function. The manager has the task of making rapid and sensible decisions in all matters.Some of decisional roles includes:
- Entrepreneur
As an entrepreneur, managers create and control change within the organization. This means solving problems, generating new ideas, and implementing them. Manager works as a venture creator.
- Disturbance handler
As a disturbance handler, managers must handle the disputes within the organization very carefully.
- Resource allocator
As a resource allocator, managers need to determine where organizational resources are best applied. This involves allocating funding as well as assigning staff and other organizational resources.
- Negotiator
As a negotiator, a manager may be needed to take part in, and direct, important negotiations within your team, department, or organization.
Also read: Process and Function of Management