Last Updated on by Sarina Sindurakar
The environment is dynamic and changes with the passage of time. Every organization establishes, exists, and performs its functions within the context of its surroundings. The following are the changing perspectives of organization:
Organizational structure
It explains how tasks like departmentalization, coordination, and supervision are carried out. It specifies how operations like departmentalization, coordination, and supervision are aimed at achieving organizational objectives. Organizational structure can be viewed from two perspectives. They are as follows:
Mechanistic organization
It is characterized by its highly centralized authority, structured working methods, and specialized functions.
Organic organization.
Its organic organization is characterized by flatness, low specialization, and more decentralization.
Ethics and social responsibility:
The theory of social responsibility is based on an ethical framework that requires decisions to be ethically justified. When a company causes harm to its stakeholders, it is deemed unethical and irresponsible. Honesty, justice, equality, dignity, diversity, and individual rights should all be respected by modern organizations.
Technology is the use of information or knowledge in the design, manufacture, and use of goods and services, as well as in the organization of human activities. Technology is the creation, modification, application, and understanding of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and organizational methods in order to solve a problem, improve an existing problem solution, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation, or perform a specific function.
The organizations are not limited within one country. The area of organization has expanded all over the globe. Expansion of the market, facilities in foreign trade, low cost, availability of resources, favorable international laws and rules, etc. ‘ have encouraged globalization.
Contingent workforce
A contingent workforce is a group of workers who are hired on a temporary basis by an enterprise. Contingent workers are hired for a set amount of time or for a specific project. It lowers unnecessary labor-related problems in a business, but the fundamental disadvantage of contingent workforce is that it lacks a sense of loyalty and belonging to the firm.
Learning organization
A learning organization is one in which people at all levels increase their knowledge and capacity, either individually or collectively. It is based on experimentation and learning from experience. It learns and innovates quickly enough to survive in a rapidly changing environment.
Quality assurance
Quality assurance refers to the planned and systematic activities carried out in a quality system to ensure that the quality requirements of a product or service are met. Quality is defined by factors such as good design, functionality, dependability, consistency, durability, after-sales service, and so on. The organization should provide quality assurance for its products and services.
Workforce diversity
Work Diversity is important to understand how these dimensions affect performance, motivation, success, and interactions with others. Increasing workforce diversity means that the organizations are becoming more heterogeneous mix of gender, age, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.